Choosing a Co-Ambassador
Benjamin Larralde avatar
Written by Benjamin Larralde
Updated over a week ago

Running a meetup is hard work. It's best to have at least two organizers per chapter.

Choose someone who complements your skill set and who you get along with to be a co-ambassador.

You can have up to five ambassadors per chapter, depending on how large it is. Once you have more than five ambassadors, we recommend starting a separate meetup.

Here are guidelines for Silicon Tier meetups:

Two ambassadors are needed to start a meetup.

You must have an average of 20 RSVPs per month to add a third co-ambassador

For every additional 15 RSVPs, add another, up to four co-ambassadors or five ambassadors total.

Once you've found your co-ambassador, introduce them to Monica and Drew. We'll share the Getting Started Guide and Running a Hack Night docs with them and ask them to add themselves to the Ambassador Directory.

Make sure they create a Hackster Profile for themselves. Add them to your Hackster Live page as an organizer.

Chapters can also have mentors. Mentors don't get their own hardware, but they help out during workshops and optionally attend planning meetings. It's sometimes helpful to trial someone as a mentor before promoting them to being an ambassador.

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