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Using Your Platform Hub's Analytics Tab
Using Your Platform Hub's Analytics Tab

This article walks through your platform hub's key performance indicators and how to measure your content's success.

Jessica avatar
Written by Jessica
Updated over a year ago

Analytics tabs on platform hubs are a free resource for platform hub admins to measure the growth and success of their hub's performance. You can use your analytics tab to see how many members have joined your platform hub, how often projects are published to your hub, the difficulty level of the projects being published, who are your most engaged members, what projects are being engaged with the most across your hub and more.
To get started, go to your platform hub's homepage and then click the 'analytics' tab at the top of the page:

Overall Size of Your Platform Hub
The first stats you'll see on your platform hub are the total number of published projects, your hub's total member count, and the total number of project respects across all the published projects on your hub.

These stats are a great overview of your community engagement and can be used to set goals for community growth.

Find Your Top Members

The first chart on your analytics tab organizes all members of your platform hub by their engagement score, which members accumulate as they publish projects, tag parts from your platform hub in their BOM lists, and receive project views. Here, you can identify your most engaged members, learn more about their content on Hackster, and potentially collaborate with them in promotion activities.

Your Hub's Monthly Growth Rate

You can track how many members joined your platform hub per month from the date you first created your platform hub up until the current month.

Your Project Hub's Projects and Difficulty Level
The final charts on the first page of your analytics tab show all the published projects on Hackster that use your listed products and showcase the percentage of projects in each difficulty level from beginner to expert. This can help you determine the skill level of your community members and the types of projects your community is most interested in viewing.

To sort the list of projects by specific fields, click on the name of the field you'd like to sort by, or hover over the chart and click on the three dots that appear in the top right corner to choose a category. To switch the sort order, just click on the field a second time.

Analytics Page 2

There is a second page to your analytics tab with even more statistics for you to measure your hub's success.

Performance Over Specific Time Frames

On the second page, you can see how many people have viewed published projects over a set date range. This is especially useful if you want to see how many members joined or if projects were added to your platform hub during a recent event or promotional campaign that ran during a specific time period.

To choose your own date range to analyze, click the "Select date range" drop-down at the top right of the page and use the calendar view to choose a start and end date. Then click 'Apply' to see your results.

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